I wish I knew how to live in a car when I was still in college

By Joe

Cover Image for I wish I knew how to live in a car when I was still in college

As someone who grew up in Taiwan, living in car is an unheard idea. But when I got to US, living a car might just be some randome guys' hobby.

When I was in college I lived in dorm. I studied in Taiwan but the similar price for a US college student will probably be $500 per month.

It'll be around 6k per year if you live in dorm during college.

I bought a 2012 Toyota Prius around 6k. Which means you can have a car if you choose not to live in a dorm for 1 year.

And most of the university facilities will open till midnight. As a university student it's probably the best time for you to try to live in a car.

You can take a shower at night or early morning since most of the university gym have decent operation hours.

Use the microwave to cook or heat up your food. Plenty of laundry in dorm and I'm sure you can just use it or ask a friend to let you get in the dorm.

The housing price you saved during 4 years will be huge. It might even help you saved a down payment if you decide to get a house.

Before I started living in a car I did not allocate a budget for personal development. But after living in a car I have extra cash besides the amount I saved. As the guy in his 20's personal development is probably the best investment you can do to improve yourself. Hiring coach or enroll in private lessons will all help you increase your chance to success in the lone term.

What's your concern about living in a car?

Try to sleep in a car for 1 night and see if you can start this journey!