How to go to The Great Southwest Lindyfest at Houston without booking a hotel?

By Joe

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What is The Great Southwest Lindyfest at Houston?

Lindyfest in Houston, TX is one of the largest and longest-running Lindy Hop events in the world. It's a weekend of workshops, competitions, and social dancing. It's a great event to meet new people, learn from some of the best instructors in the world, and dance to live music.

How to go to Houston Lindyfest without booking a hotel?

The best way to go to Houston Lindyfest without booking a hotel is to sleep in your car. This way, you don't have to worry about finding a hotel, and you can save money on accommodations. Plus, you can sleep in your car wherever you want, so you can stay close to the event and avoid long commutes.

Lindyfest playbook

What are the benefits of sleeping in your car?

There are many benefits to sleeping in your car, including:

  • You can save money on accommodations
  • You can stay close to the event
  • You can avoid long commutes
  • You can sleep in your car wherever you want

What are some tips for sleeping in your car?

Here are some tips for sleeping in your car:

  • Keep your car windows cracked open for ventilation
  • Park in a well-lit area
  • Lock your car doors
  • Keep your valuables out of sight
  • Be mindful of noise and light

Check the weather to see if it's good to live in a car!

Check the local weather before your adventure to make sure you're prepared for the conditions. You'll want to make sure you have the right clothing and gear to stay warm/cool. Lindyfest happens in March (March 14th-17th, 2024). It's not too hot in Houston by the moment, but it's always a good idea to be prepared for any weather conditions.

Get some ideal shower/restroom spots with gym membership!

If you're planning to sleep in your car, you'll want to find a place where you can shower and use the restroom. One option is to get a gym membership, which will give you access to showers and restrooms.

A good suggestions will be the PlanetFitness that operates 24 hours around the event venue. With a PF membership you can go there workout or use there shower rooms.

Lindyfest playbook

Know the location so you can find perfect parking!

Before you go to Houston Lindyfest, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the area. Lookup Planet Fitness location on google map or search reddit for street parking near university.

Plan you logistcs to have smooth commute

If you're planning to sleep in your car, it's important to plan your logistics in advance. This will help you have a smooth commute and avoid any potential hiccups. You can map out your route, find the best parking spots, and make sure you have everything you need for the night.

Remote workers, find a cozy working environment!

If you're a remote worker, public libyary and university are you best friends. With free wifi and power outlets to charge your devices, you could focus on your job without worry about office policys.

Explore activities during night time!

If you're planning to sleep in your car, you can explore activities to do during the night. Student clubs from nearby universities usually holds club event like dance, sports at night. Contribute a club fee and you can meet people and join the club events.

Fill you tummy with local food!

Always enjoy some local delicacy while exporing a new city! You don't have to dine out every day. Bring a propane cooker so you can cook on your way. Microwaves could also be found in libraries or universities.

In conclusion

If you're planning to go to Houston Lindyfest without booking a hotel, sleeping in your car is a great option. It's a convenient and cost-effective way to stay close to the event, and it can be a fun and adventurous experience. Just make sure to prepare and take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe and comfortable night.